Terry Fox Donations 2020

That you to all of those who purchased my book Finding Forrest Fenn. Your generosity has raised $252.82 this year for the Terry Fox Foundation. Terry Fox was a brave young man who contracted cancer at a young age and set out to run across to cold Canadian landscape to raise money in an effort to defeat cancer. His enduring run came up short near Thunder Bay when he succumb to cancer, but his spirit lives on annual with the schools participating in the Terry Fox run.

Cancer research has advanced so much since that day as some of the most lethal forms of cancers have cures. The Covid 19 rapid advancement of a vaccine was due to some advanced research in curing cancer. So thank you all who donated, and please keep supporting such a wonderful cause. Some day all cancer will be beat with you continued support.

Thank you Terry Fox, your effort was certainly worth the cold!
