End Year Review
With 2015 in the rear view mirror, I will reflect upon a very successful year. In July I published my first book, "Finding Forrest Fenn," which highlighted my family adventures searching for the Fenn treasure, Forrest Fenn's hinting technique, and a checklist for screening one's solution.
My initial goal was to sell 100 books and I met that goal on 4 Jan 2016, not bad for no advertisement. I received my first royalty cheque from Amazon and will be depositing it in the Wolf's Cancer Research Fund shortly. I have received $159.20 donated directly to the fund, which will remain active until the end of April.
I was providing some chapters from my book on Dal Neitzel's site and I did submit part four but Dal decided not to post it due to perceived controversial content and he requested that I give assurances that I did not find the treasure chest. Since part of my strategy discussed here, prevents me from doing that, we could not come to a mtual agreement.
So for anyone who was waiting for the next installment on Dal's website, unfortunately it will not be coming but not for a lack of trying on my part. I will however side with Dal's decision, the next chapter is the best part of the book and should be kept a secret. I respect his rules, thus if you really want to know what happened you can always donate to my cancer research fund or purchase the book directly! I thank all those who have read the book for keeping the secret.
I will be discontinuing direct sales of my book from my website shortly, so if you want a pdf version please purchase ASAP, you will continue be able to purchase from Amazon or Smashwords, Banes Noble and Apple.
I was asked to participate in a family oriented adventure TV reality show, but as many know I am back at school studying for a Masters in Space Science, thus I have retired from searching for the treasure and no longer actively post on blogs.
Thank you to all who have supported cancer research, you are making a difference!