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Simplifying the First 3 Clues

After reading my research, some might think this is sure complicated, especially when Mr. Fenn asks searchers to simplify. I agree, but remember the difficult part is proving up the clues so they are beyond coincident and more to support proof to give us the confidence we need to proceed.

So in the interest of simplifying the 3 clues so far we have stanza 1 providing a riddle to where to look for clue 1. That riddle is what is old and new and rich? And the answer is the moon and the full moon hints to lunacy where we begin at the treasure state's Montana State Hospital, where the simplest answer to where warm waters halt is Warm Springs. That answer is so simple and obvious many probably get it right but most over look it.

The poem's previous clue hints to the next, thus halt from clue one hints to halt a train stop in clue 2 so we take the train down or south. This clue hints to the answer of clue 3 how far is too far to walk. The answer is obviously to vague to quantify thus it is answered by a riddle supported by clue 2, where the hints are suggested by "down" and "walk" or baseball terms, thus the simplest and most obvious answer is how far to walk is a walk or 90 feet. One can't get more simple than that!

Clue 2 hints to baseball, as the contiguous clues suggest and Brown is found to be a star baseball player named Shoeless Joe Jackson and his home is a museum called "Sweet Spot"

That clue answer is where we will "put in" in our next clue.

The clues answers are simple and logical and we are following the word that is key, the "Star." Warm waters halt at the star formed by the octagon shaped dwelling on top of Warm Springs, to the put in place marked by a star, identified in my next blog post.

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